Upcoming events.

Whatcom Coaches Connection

Whatcom Coaches Connection

Whatcom Coaches Connection

Prime Sports Institute and Find Your Peak Sports is offering a series of free coaches trainings for athletic coaches - of any sport at all levels - at Prime Sports Institute in Bellingham. 

It’s free to register. RSVP to give us an approximate headcount so we can set up enough chairs, handouts and snacks for everyone.


  • Fall - Nov 16, 2023

  • Winter - Feb 15, 2024

  • Spring - May 16, 2024

  • Summer - Aug 15, 2024

Day and Time:

Thursdays, 6-8pm at Prime Sports Institute, 1704 North State Street, Bellingham, WA 98225.

Bring your dinner or snacks if you’d like. Our break-room is equipped with a fridge, toaster, microwave oven and sink. Make yourself at home.


  • Provide coaches with the time and space to connect and collaborate with other local coaching colleagues across different sports

  • Provide opportunities for ongoing personal growth and professional development

  • Focus on a variety of relevant topics including leadership training, athletic training and sports recovery, sports nutrition and sport psychology

  • Provide up-to-date best practices, evidence-based information and experiential learning opportunities to build confidence and provide valuable knowledge, tools and resources 

Cost: FREE

Program Facilitator: Erica Quam, owner of Find Your Peak Sports and Prime Sports Institute: leadership coach for athletic coaches, athletes and leaders in sports; Former college swim coach ‘97-’11; National Outdoor Leadership School (N.O.L.S.) faculty 

Guest Speaker

- Anna Estes, Registered Dietitian at Prime; co-owner of Woven Nutrition


- Please RSVP to let us know you’re coming so we have plenty of tables, chairs, materials and snacks

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Pre Season Playbook for Coaches - Group Call #3

Pre Season Playbook for Coaches - Group Call #3

Pre Season Playbook for Coaches

online coaching Program for athletic coaches - from any sport, at all levels

How much time to you set aside to plan for the season ahead?

If you’re like most coaches…you know you ‘should’ take time to plan.

You know it’s important…but it’s also so hard! The summer gets busy and goes by way too fast. Before you know it your athletes are back to school.

The reality is…this kind of work is hard to do on your own.

This program will provide you with a roadmap to follow - so you have a place to start. Get clear on what worked and what didn’t so you can implement new strategies and ideas.

Plan and work at your own pace - with the accountability and support of a leadership coach walking you through one step at a time.

Group coaching calls on July 18, Aug 8 and Aug 20 from 9am - 10:30am, Pacific - to gain context and understanding. This is your chance to share your ideas, ask questions and hear different perspectives from other coaches. You’ll get the link to connect once you register.

Register now to save your spot! Choose to pay in full $197 now or 3 monthly payments of $79.

Start anytime. The program officially begins anytime in July. If you miss a group call, you can always access the recording.

Questions? Send me an email or find time on my calendar to chat.

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Pre Season Playbook for Coaches

Pre Season Playbook for Coaches

Pre Season Playbook for Coaches

online coaching Program for athletic coaches - from any sport, at all levels

How much time to you set aside to plan for the season ahead?

If you’re like most coaches…you know you ‘should’ take time to plan.

You know it’s important…but it’s also so hard! The summer gets busy and goes by way too fast. Before you know it your athletes are back to school.

The reality is…this kind of work is hard to do on your own.

This program will provide you with a roadmap to follow - so you have a place to start. Get clear on what worked and what didn’t so you can implement new strategies and ideas.

Plan and work at your own pace - with the accountability and support of a leadership coach walking you through one step at a time.

Group coaching calls on July 18, Aug 8 & Aug 20 from 9am - 10:30am, Pacific - to gain context and understanding. This is your chance to share your ideas, ask questions and hear different perspectives from other coaches. You’ll get the link to connect once you register.

Register now to save your spot! Choose to pay in full $197 now or 3 monthly payments of $79.

Start anytime. The program officially begins anytime in July. If you miss a group call, you can always access the recording.

Questions? Send me an email or find time on my calendar to chat.

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Whatcom Coaches Connection

Whatcom Coaches Connection

Whatcom Coaches Connection

Prime Sports Institute and Find Your Peak Sports is offering a series of free coaches trainings for athletic coaches - of any sport at all levels - at Prime Sports Institute in Bellingham. 

It’s free to register. RSVP to give us an approximate headcount so we can set up enough chairs, handouts and snacks for everyone.


  • Fall - Nov 16, 2023 @ 6pm

  • Winter - Feb 15, 2024 @ 6pm

  • Spring - May 16, 2024 @ 6pm

  • Summer - Aug 15, 2024 @ 6pm

Day and Time:

Thursdays, 6-8pm at Prime Sports Institute, 1704 North State Street, Bellingham, WA 98225.

Bring your dinner or snacks if you’d like. Our break-room is equipped with a fridge, toaster, microwave oven and sink. Make yourself at home.


  • Provide coaches with the time and space to connect and collaborate with other local coaching colleagues across different sports

  • Provide opportunities for ongoing personal growth and professional development

  • Focus on a variety of relevant topics including leadership training, athletic training and sports recovery, sports nutrition and sport psychology

  • Provide up-to-date best practices, evidence-based information and experiential learning opportunities to build confidence and provide valuable knowledge, tools and resources 

Cost: FREE

Program Facilitator: Erica Quam, owner of Find Your Peak Sports and Prime Sports Institute: leadership coach for athletic coaches, athletes and leaders in sports; Former college swim coach ‘97-’11; National Outdoor Leadership School (N.O.L.S.) faculty 

Guest Speakers:

- Kerry Gustafson, owner of Prime Sports Institute, Athletic Trainer, Massage Therapist

- Anna Estes, Registered Dietitian at Prime; co-owner of Woven Nutrition

- Sport and Performance Psychologist, Dr. CJ Swanlund


- Recommended to make sure we have enough tables, chairs, materials and snacks

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2024 Women's Coaching Summit
to Apr 12

2024 Women's Coaching Summit

2024 Virtual Leadership SummiT

Thurs & Fri, April 11-12 @ 9am - 12pm, pacific

Coach, you already know that ups and downs are part of your ride.

And you may also know (to your core) that obstacles and challenges are where you learn, grow, and expand the most.

Yet, it may be hard to maintain your energy and momentum from season to season without taking the time to learn, grow and expand.

The summit is not about the X’s and O’s.

These two sessions are an opportunity for real connection - with other coaches and with yourself:

  • Talk through experiences and challenges with other coaches who get it

  • Reflect on your season so you can come away with insights and takeaways

  • Get clear on what you’d like to keep doing and what you need to change

  • Come away with valuable tools and a community of coaches you can reach out to for support

The power of “yes”

In 1998, one of the best things I ever did for my coaching career was say "yes" to an invitation from a former teammate to attend a Women's Coaching Summit. I was nervous. I didn't know what to expect. As an introvert who was new to coaching, I wasn’t sure what I could contribute to our conversations.

Life changing decision

I’m so glad I said yes. I ended up going to the summit and then going back every year - for over 20 years.

I learned the importance of taking time away from coaching to work on myself - as a person and as a leader. I had insights I would not have been able to have without taking time away from working IN my team.

My experience going to summits became a catalyst for me to create more spaces for coaches to gather.

Coaches are unique

Being around other coaches can help you realize:

  1. You're not alone in all the challenges you face

  2. How much you can learn from hanging out with other coaches (no matter how much or how little experience you have)

  3. Your best insights happen when you allow yourself to unplug, take time for yourself, and make space for conscious reflection about what you've done...and what you want to do next

I'm so glad I said yes. I expanded my network of coaching friends. I came away with a group of colleagues who I could really trust.

Now it’s my turn to give back and lead coaching summits for you!

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Whatcom Coaches Connection

Whatcom Coaches Connection

Whatcom Coaches Connection

Prime Sports Institute and Find Your Peak Sports is offering a series of free coaches trainings for athletic coaches - of any sport at all levels - at Prime Sports Institute in Bellingham. 

It’s free to register. RSVP to give us an approximate headcount so we can set up enough chairs, handouts and snacks for everyone.


  • Fall - Nov 16, 2023: Leadership

  • Winter - Feb 15, 2024: Athletic Training

  • Spring - May 16, 2024: Sport Psychology

  • Summer - Aug 15, 2024: Nutrition

Day and Time:

Thursdays, 6-8pm at Prime Sports Institute, 1704 North State Street, Bellingham, WA 98225.

Bring your dinner or snacks if you’d like. Our break-room is equipped with a fridge, toaster, microwave oven and sink. Make yourself at home.


  • Provide coaches with the time and space to connect and collaborate with other local coaching colleagues across different sports

  • Provide opportunities for ongoing personal growth and professional development

  • Focus on a variety of relevant topics including leadership training, athletic training and sports recovery, sports nutrition and sport psychology

  • Provide up-to-date best practices, evidence-based information and experiential learning opportunities to build confidence and provide valuable knowledge, tools and resources 

Cost: FREE

Program Facilitator: Erica Quam, owner of Find Your Peak Sports and Prime Sports Institute: leadership coach for athletic coaches, athletes and leaders in sports; Former college swim coach ‘97-’11; National Outdoor Leadership School (N.O.L.S.) faculty 

Guest Speakers:

February 15: Kerry Gustafson, owner of Prime Sports Institute, Athletic Trainer, Massage Therapist

May 16: Sport Psychologist, Dr. C.J. Swanlund: Sport and Performance Psychologist; Co-Interim Director/Assistant Director of Clinical Operations at Western Washington University

August 15: Anna Estes, Registered Dietitian at Prime; co-owner of Woven Nutrition


- Recommended to make sure we have enough tables, chairs, materials and snacks

  • Click here to register for in person

  • or here to register to attend virtually

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Create Your Plan for 2024

Create Your Plan for 2024

Create Your Plan for 2024

Thursday, December 28th from 6:30pm  - 8pm

In person at Prime Sports Institute OR virtual

Erica will walk you through a step-by-step process to reflect on what's working, identify what changes you want to make, and map out the year ahead in a powerful way.

(This is something you may never stop and do on your own!)

Reflect on your past year.  Celebrate your progress and acknowledge your wins. (We don't often do this on our own.) Consider what shifts you want make to align with your goals, and maximize your potential!

It's no coincidence that this event is planned for the last week of the year! Head into 2024 with more inspiration, clarity, and momentum than ever before.

Coach Erica Quam spent 15 years in Division 1 Athletics helping her athletes set and achieve their goals - both in and out of the pool.  Now she works directly with leaders, athletic coaches and teams. Tap into her 20+ years of experience motivating coaches, athletes, and teams.

What's included:

  • Your very own customized 2024 Planning Tool 

  • A habit-tracker to make it easier to stay on track with your goals

  • A takeaway tool to build awareness of negative thought patterns & beliefs that derail you or keep you stuck

  • Time with other participants to hear different perspectives and get new ideas

What to bring:

  • Come with an open mind and a positive attitude

  • Bring a pen or pencil to write with

Do you have more questions about this workshop?  Send Erica an email.

Want to share details? Follow @findyourpeaksports on Instagram or download this flyer and share with your friends.

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Find Your Peak Leadership Summit (VIRTUAL)

Find Your Peak Leadership Summit (VIRTUAL)

Find Your Peak Leadership Summit

This virtual leadership summit is for athletic coaches and leaders within athletics.

It’s intentionally designed for you to take a full day away from your team(s) - to work ON your team instead of working IN your team. This will allow you to get clear and see things from a fresh perspective.

Step away from your day-to-day routine and spend time connecting with yourself and other coaches and leaders…to better understand your unique challenges.

Reconnect with Higher purpose

I’m guessing you would say your ‘calling’ is about more than the wins, losses or whatever the scoreboard says. You make a difference in the lives of the student-athletes you work with. It’s easy to lose sight of that…in the midst of all the things that pull your attention away.

You may have stepped on the treadmill at the beginning of the season and haven’t stopped.

This Virtual Summit will allow you space to process all the things you’ve been ‘doing’ so you can pivot, shift your focus and get clear on your next steps.

Begin your next 90-days, refreshed and recharged as a leader!

The best part?

You don’t have to do it alone.

You’ll be in the company of other leaders so you can all share wisdom, knowledge and inspiration with each other.

When is it?

Friday, December 15th starting at 9am, pacific / 12pm, eastern.

Where is it?

It’s virtual! Join us from wherever you are in the world. I’ll be leading our sessions from Bellingham, Washington.

Who should attend?

Athletic coaches from any sport and other leaders within athletics are welcome!

  • What you will learn can be applied directly to your unique role as a leader.

  • You’ll “get” things at a different level depending on how much experience you have in your current role.

  • Hit the pause button and invest a day outside your team to work on your team.

  • Allow yourself space to assess the health of your team culture to get clear on what's working and what's not.

  • Look closely and identify the leadership skills to focus on to narrow the gap between where you are and where you want to be.


Your investment is $79 if you register before December 1st. Then the price increases to $97.

Regular Admission Includes:

  • A day away from your team to reflect and participate in a high-impact event

  • An experience with other coaches leaders within athletics for you to glean different ideas, wisdom and perspectives while you add to your existing network of connections

  • Meaningful curriculum designed to reveal what’s working and what’s not so you can implement the changes you need to make as a leader

  • Real time insights and awareness: once you see it you can’t unsee it

  • Interactive breakout rooms & Mastermind session

  • The best of an in-person event without the expense or hassle of travel in the comfort of your own home or office.

How can I get free access?

If you are part of the 2023-24 Find Your Peak Leadership Circle or you have already registered for the 2024 Women’s Coaching Summit, your ticket to this virtual summit is included.

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Whatcom Coaches Connection

Whatcom Coaches Connection


Prime Sports Institute and Find Your Peak Sports is offering a series of free coaches trainings for athletic coaches - of any sport at all levels - at Prime Sports Institute in Bellingham. 

It’s free to register. RSVP to give us an approximate headcount so we can set up enough chairs, handouts and snacks for everyone.


  • Fall - Nov 16, 2023

  • Winter - Feb 15, 2024

  • Spring - May 16, 2024

  • Summer - Aug 15, 2024

Day and Time:

Thursdays, 6-8pm at Prime Sports Institute, 1704 North State Street, Bellingham, WA 98225.

Bring your dinner or snacks if you’d like. Our break-room is equipped with a fridge, toaster, microwave oven and sink. Make yourself at home.


  • Provide coaches with the time and space to connect and collaborate with other local coaching colleagues across different sports

  • Provide opportunities for ongoing personal growth and professional development

  • Focus on a variety of relevant topics including leadership training, athletic training and sports recovery, sports nutrition and sport psychology

  • Provide up-to-date best practices, evidence-based information and experiential learning opportunities to build confidence and provide valuable knowledge, tools and resources 

Cost: FREE

Program Facilitator: Erica Quam, owner of Find Your Peak Sports and Prime Sports Institute: leadership coach for athletic coaches, athletes and leaders in sports; Former college swim coach ‘97-’11; National Outdoor Leadership School (N.O.L.S.) faculty 

Guest Speakers:

- Kerry Gustafson, owner of Prime Sports Institute, Athletic Trainer, Massage Therapist

- Anna Estes, Registered Dietitian at Prime; co-owner of Woven Nutrition

- Sport Psychologist (stay tuned)


- Recommended to make sure we have enough tables, chairs, materials and snacks

- Click here to register 

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The Art of Commitment

The Art of Commitment

Join me to learn the art of commitment including the most common obstacles you’ll hear and the hardest challenges to overcome.

This session will be a blend of content and discussion with time for Q&A at the end.

This event is free. However, you must register with your email address to get the link to connect.

No recordings will be available to honor the privacy of the group.

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Having Healthy Conflict

Having Healthy Conflict

Join me to learn tactics and skills to facilitate healthy conflict on your team.

This session will be a blend of content and discussion with time for Q&A at the end.

This event is free. However, you must register with your email address to get the link to connect.

No recordings will be available to honor the privacy of the group.

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3 Keys to Building Trust

3 Keys to Building Trust

Join me to learn 3 Keys to building the kind of trust that weathers the storms of the season.

This session will be a blend of content and discussion with time for Q&A at the end.

This event is free. However, you must register with your email address to get the link to connect.

No recordings will be available to honor the privacy of the group.

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Back To School Kickoff

Back To School Kickoff

Calling All Summit Coaches

Get back into the summit vortex before the season starts!

Join your fellow coaching colleagues for a Back-to-School Kickoff call on Tuesday, Aug 15th @ 9am, PT / 12pm, ET.

  • Tap into the energy and wisdom of this amazing group!

  • Connect with other summit coaches.

  • Share your intention for the season.

  • Get support on current challenges

It’s FREE to register. Click here to get the link to connect.

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[Virtual] Find Your Peak Leadership Summit
to Jul 25

[Virtual] Find Your Peak Leadership Summit

[Virtual] Find Your Peak Leadership Summit

If you’re like a lot of the coaches I work with…you are in sports for a reason. Your purpose goes beyond sports.

Your ‘calling’ means more than wins, losses or whatever the scoreboard says. You believe you can make a difference in the lives of student-athletes.

It’s easy to lose sight of that…in the midst of all the things that pull your attention away. You stepped on that treadmill early last fall and may not have stopped long enough to catch your breath or get the clarity you need as a leader - so you know what to focus on next.

It’s important to carve out time to reflect on all the experiences you had with your team to understand what worked and what didn’t.

The Find Your Peak Leadership Summit will allow you space to process all the things you’ve been ‘doing’ so you can gain insights, shift your focus and get clear on your next steps.

Begin next season refocused, refreshed and recharged as a leader!

The best part?

You don’t have to do it alone. You’ll be in the company of other powerful leaders to share wisdom, knowledge and inspiration.

This is an experience not to be missed!

Ready to register?

Click here to register!

If you know you want to come, don’t wait! Save $100 when you register 60 days or more before the event.

Purchase a BONUS pass for a coaching call with Erica, bonus Q&A time, an additional debrief session, plus all the recordings, templates for each tool and more.

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[Virtual] Pre Season Playbook for Athletes
to Jul 27

[Virtual] Pre Season Playbook for Athletes

Pre Season Playbook


Thursday, July 20th & Thursday, July 27th from 4pm - 6pm, pacific

Registration now open!

Click here to learn more.

Contact Erica for special group and team rates when you register multiple athletes (ie. senior class, captains, leadership council, SAAC leaders).

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Find Your Peak Facilitator's Retreat
to May 12

Find Your Peak Facilitator's Retreat


Learn key facilitation skills to become more effective leading groups and teams

You're invited to a 2-day facilitator's retreat to take your leadership experience to apply it in a new way!

Have you ever finished a meeting with a group or team feeling frustrated...because you got emotionally "hooked", failed to resolve an issue or struggled to move the group forward?

This 'everything included' retreat will help you become a more effective leader and introduce a path to use your experience to step up and lead in new ways

WHEN: Thursday, May 11 - Friday, May 12 starting at 12pm, ET / 9am, PT on both days

WHERE: Virtual - from wherever you are

WHO: Current and Former Athletic Coaches and other leaders within athletics

Space is limited to create a more intimate space where everyone can participate and feel fully supported

Click here for more information

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2023 Women's Coaching Summit
to Apr 22

2023 Women's Coaching Summit

Coach, you already know that ups and downs are part of your ride.

And you may also know (to your core) that obstacles and challenges are where you learn, grow, and expand the most.

Yet, it may be hard to maintain your energy and momentum from season to season without taking the time to learn, grow and expand.

The summit is not about the X’s and O’s.

These three days are an opportunity for real connection - with other coaches and with yourself:

  • Talk through experiences and challenges with other coaches who get it

  • Look back at your season to mine for the most important insights and takeaways

  • Get clear on what you’d like to keep doing and what you need to change

  • Come away with valuable tools and a community of coaches you can reach out to for support

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