A simple yet powerful tool for leaders and teams

WHAT’s Your signature leadership style?

Each person has their own unique style of leading that’s as unique to you as your thumbprint.

The DISC is a tool that can help you learn more about your own leadership style so you can be more successful, adapt to the challenges you face and utilize your natural strengths

Effective leaders have the ability to adapt their leadership style to the situation. And it’s important that you nurture your nature by showing up in a more authentic way that’s most comfortable for you…instead of trying to be someone else.

Communication is an important Leadership skill that you can improve by developing awareness, being intentional and investing time to practice.

What are you currently doing to improve your communication skills? It’s not a skill you can check the box as complete.

Everything DISC® is a tool will help everyone enhance your level of self awareness and emotional intelligence. Use the DISC to reinforce the other personal development work you do. You may be surprised at how accurately your report describes you!

Gain valuable insight into the patterns of behavior you’ll see BEFORE it comes up on your team. Develop a better advance.

Not only will athletes learn better ways to work together as a team, they can utilize this valuable tool in all other areas of their lives - in the classroom and in their careers.

I've used the DISC with coaches, athletes and teams for over 20 years.

Athletes continue to tell me how valuable it was to learn about themself through a simple DISC assessment and how it helps them better relate to their coach, teammates and other people in their lives.

Wondering where to start?

Click the button below to share your goals and how many people are on your team. I’ll get back to you with a quote and a few different ideas of ways you can use this tool with your team.

You can also schedule time on my calendar - especially if resources are limited and you’re looking for creative ways to keep the level of investment within your budget.

Not all DISC assessments are created equal.

Utilize a tool that's simple, concise, and resonates - with each individual. 

There are lots of different DISC assessments out there. This is the only DiSC® version to have gone through extensive adaptive testing to give you the most accurate results available.

What’s included for each assessment?

  • - Gives everyone mobile friendly access allowing your athletes to have their results at their fingertips - which makes it easy to access at team meetings, on the road, at a team retreat, or during training camp. All they have to do is set up an account.

  • Everything DISC® Comparison Report allow your athletes to compare their reports side by side. It gives each person a list of very specific actions to take to communicate more effectively with their partner. This tool can take emotion out of it and give you valuable clues as to why things aren't going well and action steps to improve the relationship.

  • Everything DISC® Team View gives you a summary of your team’s style at your fingertips. (This is a tool you’re gonna want to laminate!) Have this team view out during individual meetings - as a quick reminder of who is sitting in front of you. Set yourself up by taking a quick glance at this first, so you can most effectively connect with people on your team.

Additional Tools

  • A Team Culture Report can provide you with a composite of your team’s DISC® styles and how it may impact your team’s culture.

    As a coach, you can then more easily understand your team’s DISC® culture, explore its advantages and disadvantages, and discuss its effect on group members before the season really gets rolling.

Here are a few ways to utilize the DiSC with your team:

  • Team DISC® -  Take emotion out of team conflicts this season. Provide a tool that will help you get to the root of a challenge faster so you and your team can stay focused on your vision and goals. 

    A Team DISC® pack includes profiles, comparison reports, plus 3 training calls with Erica.

  • Team Captain Training - Some of the leaders on your team will naturally be more vocal while others are more comfortable being quiet and reserved. They all can be effective and use their strengths. Set your team captains up for success. Investing in their training can help them feel an elevated sense of responsibility and help them become more confident and effective. Teach them to lead from their unique signature style.

    The Team Captain's pack includes individual profiles, comparison reports, plus online group training with Erica.

  • Staff Orientation - Get to know your support staff and help them get to know you. This can be especially helpful to learn at the beginning of the season.

    Schedule an orientation for your staff anytime. This will include individual profiles, comparison reports plus a virtual group training to set your staff up for success.