Coaching Girls Guide: How to get (and keep) girls playing

Strategies for engaging and retaining girls in sports from Nike and the Center for Healing and Justice through Sport (CHJS)

Coaching HER: online program to help more girls get and stay in sport through critical drop-out ages

Coaching HER tackles the most central, yet unaddressed, issue in youth sport which negatively impacts girls’ performance, self-perceptions, sport choices and experiences: coaches’ unconscious gender biases and stereotypes.

How a girl feels about her coach is one of the most important factors determining whether or not she keeps playing sports.

Coaches are powerful role models who can impact a girl’s self-confidence. Yet they often lack the education and training needed to address gender identities, stereotypes and bias.

Body Confident Sport: A FREE Coaching program to equip coaches with the knowledge, tools and inspiration to build body confident athletes.

Body Confident Sport is a first-of-its-kind, evidence-based program that’s clinically validated to build girls' body confidence in sports. We developed the program over a three-year partnership with Nike, and world-renowned academic experts at the Centre for Appearance Research and the Tucker Center for Research on Girls & Women in Sport. It includes input from girls and coaches from six countries, including France, India, Japan, Mexico, the U.K. and the U.S.


State of Play 2023

Annual report on trends in youth sports and Project Play’s contributions to the field

Nearly four years removed from the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, children are playing team sports less often even as progress is being made in filling gaps with girls and low-income populations. Those are high-level takeaways from our State of Play 2023 report, the Aspen Institute’s annual analysis of national trends in the delivery of sport for young people.

Click here to learn more.

Quality Coaching Framework

The United States Olympic & Paralympic Committee, in partnership with its National Governing Bodies and Dr. Wade Gilbert of Human Kinetics, created the USOPC Quality Coaching Framework, which provides an overarching set of principles that is designed to inform how to coach most effectively.

The USOPC QCF is a vetted, carefully crafted, evidence-based resource that establishes a common language and principles of quality coaching for all those working in Team USA coaching contexts.

The USOPC QCF was first published in 2017 and was updated in 2020 to enhance and emphasize key areas of focus for Team USA coaches and the American system.

Click here to learn more. Free online platform for youth coaches and kids.

Online platform to give youth sport coaches the knowledge and tools to share and learn from one another so they can give kids the best playing environment and motivation to stay in sport longer. Kids who move, can move the world.

The Latest RESearch & Reports

Passing the Torch: Modernizing Olympic, Paralympic, & Grassroots Sports in America

Congress created the independent Commission on the State of U.S. Olympics and Paralympics to study the United States's participation in the Olympic and Paralympic Games as outlined in Section 11 of Public Law 116–189 (Oct. 30, 2020), also known as the Empowering Olympic, Paralympic, and Amateur Athletes Act of 2020.

Click here to learn more.

National Coach Survey

A research team from the Ohio State University collected data from over 10,000 coaches across the country to explore the current state of coach education and training in the U.S. This work was funded in partnership with the Aspen Institute, the Susan Crown Exchange, and Nike.

Click here to learn more.


National Standards for Sport Coaches

Coaches, coaching educators, administrators, athletes and the public use the National Standards for Sport Coaches for direction regarding the knowledge and skills that coaches should possess.

Click here to learn more.